

  1. 活動對象(Participant):從事下表特別危害健康作業項目之教職員工或計劃性人員
  2. 日期(date):113/5/23(四)
  3. 時間(time):13:30pm -16:00pm
  4. 地點(location):學生活動中心 3F (On the 3F of the student activity center)
  5. 特殊健康檢查項目內容:

  • 對不起,報名人數已額滿,感謝您的支持

◎溫馨提醒Gentle Reminders: 配合防疫措施受檢教職員請全程佩戴口罩,額溫≥37.5°C者當日無法受檢。 All people must wear a mask while the health examination. If you had a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher,will be prohibited from participating in this activity. 當天請一律先至衛保組旁川堂報到,再開始各種檢查流程。 Please register at the Student Center hallway on the first floor the day. (between Health Center and 7-ELEVEN)