2022環保署全新公告 7/1 起,各大飲料店、超商、速食店、超級市場等連鎖業者必須提供『自備環保杯』至少 5 元起優惠。
為響應環保,目前各大超商、咖啡店也都接續推出加碼優惠,甚至最高可折抵 10 元!
👉自備飲料杯環保優惠店家查詢網 (Click to see the link of the discount for shops in Taiwan)
👉本校店家自備餐具環保優惠查詢 (Click to see the link of the discount for our campus)
From 7/1, bring your own cup for NTD 5 discounts
Here is the details!
👉Slew of new measures to take effect starting Friday - Taipei Times