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NTUST’s Laboratory Safety and Hygiene Code of Simple Version Common Specification

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology’s Laboratory Safety and Hygiene
Code of Simple Version Common Specification
(If there are other regulations, please follow the relevant regulations of the department)
The Precautions of General Safety and Health
一、 使用實驗室時應填寫場地使用紀錄表。
When using the laboratory, fill the field use record form.
二、 實驗室內禁止嬉鬧、進食及從事與實驗無關的活動。
It is forbidden to play, eat and engage in activities unrelated to the experiment
in the laboratory.
三、 實驗室應保持清潔,並定期進行環境清掃工作;地面應無油污、水或其他易導致滑倒之物質;如有特殊垃圾請分類,不可與一般垃圾混裝並需加蓋。
The laboratory should be kept clean and regularly cleaned; the floor should be free of oil, water or other substances that may cause slipping; if there is special garbage, please sort it, do not mix it with general garbage and need to cover it.
四、 進行實驗時,請依照實驗室規定,是否應穿著實驗相關防護衣物及防護裝備,禁穿拖鞋、涼鞋或赤膊、赤腳工作,蓄長髮者應將頭髮紮好。
When conducting experiments, please follow the laboratory regulations, must wear experimental protective clothing and protective equipment. Slippers, sandals or bare-chested, barefoot work are prohibited. Long hair should be tied.
五、 若實驗時有濺出或噴出之可能,宜配戴安全眼鏡;處理粉末試藥,應配戴防粉塵口罩;操作危險性及毒性化學藥品時應戴手套;處理有機試劑,則應配戴防毒面罩,並選擇合宜的濾罐。
Remarks: If there is any possibility of spilling or spraying during the experiment, it is advisable to wear safety glasses; when handling powder test, wear anti-dust mask; wear gloves when handling dangerous and toxic chemicals;Wear a gas mask and choose a suitable canister.
六、 物品堆放勿阻礙門窗之空氣流通,亦不可堆放於主要通路與出口處,影響逃生動線。
Stacking of items should not hinder the air circulation of doors and windows, nor should be stacked on the main aisle and exits, it may affect the escape of routes.
七、 實驗室內嚴禁吸菸。
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the laboratory.
八、 機械、儀器設備應放置整齊,訂定操作守則並張貼於明顯處。
Machinery and equipment should be placed neatly, and the operating rules should be set and posted in obvious places.
九、 機械、儀器使用前,應詳讀操作手冊,並按正常程序操作,用畢後務必 關上所有開關。
Before using the machine or instrument, read the operation manual carefully and operate it according to the normal procedure. Be sure to switch off after use.
十、 實驗室有操作高溫、高壓或有輻射危險之實驗時,應使用安全遮板或安全防護罩。
Safety shutters or safety shields should be used when laboratories are operating high temperature, high pressure or radiation hazard.
十一、 操作危險實驗時,應於門口懸掛警示牌,非工作人員不得任意進入。
When operating a dangerous experiment, a warning sign shall be hoisted at the door, and non-workers shall not enter at will.
十二、 認清並牢記實驗室內最近的逃生出口、滅火器、急救箱及緊急沖淋設備與洗眼器的位置,並熟知使用方法。
Recognize and keep in mind the location of the nearest escape exit, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, emergency shower equipment and eye wash in the laboratory, and familiar with the method of use.
十三、 不得以濕手或具導電性之濕操作棒操作電器設備。
Do not operate the electrical equipment with wet hands or conductive wet handles.
十四、 實驗完畢應檢查水電、及相關可能引起災害之設備等是否關閉或停止運作,不必繼續開啟之儀器設備,應予以關閉以策安全,門窗及門禁與監視系統是否正常,避免外人入侵引發危險。
After the completion of the experiment, it should be checked whether the hydropower and related equipment that may cause disasters are shut down or stopped. The instruments and equipment that do not need to be turned on should be closed for safety, whether the doors and windows, the access control and monitoring system are normal, and the invasion of outsiders is avoided danger.
十五、發生實驗災害,請立刻通知校安中心協助處理,必要時,如遇火災等,請直接撥打119並告知你所在的大樓和門牌位置,以利救災;各單位發 生重大災害時,除必要之急救、搶救外,非經司法機關或檢查機構許可,不得移動或破壞現場。  
If the disaster of experiments occurred, please notify the school safety center to assist urgently. If there is a fire, please directly dial 119(if it is in necessary) to inform the location of your building and door number for facilitate disaster relief; when disasters occur in all units, unless the necessary for aid and rescue, if not, the scene shall not be moved or destroyed without the permission of the judicial or inspection agency.
十六、 本校教職員工生除需遵守本守則所訂各項規定外,對於各項研究計畫之實(試)驗,均需遵照其標準操作程序作業以確保安全。
The faculty, staff and students are required to abide by the regulations and they must follow their standard operating procedures to ensure safety for the experiments of various research projects.  

Laboratory Chemical Related Experimental Considerations
一、 實驗前詳細閱讀有關實驗內容相關資料(化學實驗需詳閱安全資料表)。
Read the relevant information about the experimental content before the experiment (the chemical safety data sheet should be read in detail).
二、 化學藥品使用後需放回原處。冷藏化學藥品(樣品)之冰箱及冷藏櫃不
Chemicals need to be returned after use. Food and beverages must not be placed in refrigerators and refrigerators for chilled chemicals (samples).
三、 操作揮發性有機溶劑、毒性、危險性、可燃性或具腐蝕性蒸氣之實驗
When operating volatile organic solvents, toxicity, hazardous, flammability or corrosive vapors, the experiment must be carried out in a Chemical Fume Hoods.
四、 抽氣櫃內應保持整潔,不可置放與實驗無關之物品。
The Chemical Fume Hood should be kept clean and tidy, and items not related to the experiment should not be placed.
五、 配製酸鹼試劑,應將酸、鹼慢慢滴入水中,不可直接將水加於試劑內。
When preparing the acid-base reagent, the acid and alkali should be slowly dropped into the water. Do not directly add water to the reagent.
六、 使用移液吸管時,禁用口吸。
When using a pipette, do not use mouth to suck.
七、 烘箱、蒸餾器等加熱設備旁嚴禁放置易燃性及易爆性化學藥品。
It is strictly forbidden to place flammable and explosive chemicals next to heating equipment such as ovens and distillers.
八、 使用列管毒性及關注性化學物質應詳實填寫運作紀錄。
When using regulated toxic chemicals must fill the operation volume.
九、 嚴禁由實驗室中自行攜出任何化學藥品或製劑,若違反規定經查屬實將
It is strictly forbidden to carry out any chemical or preparations from laboratory. If the violation is confirmed, it will be handled according to local law or school regulations.
十、 廢液應分類回收存放,不得任意傾倒排放。
The waste liquid should be collected and stored separately, and should not be dumped at will.
十一、 被腐蝕性化學藥品濺到時,應立即用水沖洗至少十五分鐘以上,並送醫治療。  
When splashed with corrosive chemicals, rinse immediately with water for at least 15 minutes and send for medical treatment.
十二、 不得使用未知或標示不明之工業用電器、材料、氣體或化學藥品。
Do not use industrial electrical appliances, materials, gases or chemicals that are unknown or unidentified.
十三、 高壓氣體鋼瓶使用前應先確認減壓閥調整在“關”的位置,才可以打開原
Before using the high pressure gas cylinder, make sure that the pressure reducing valve is adjusted to the "off" position before opening the original valve and adjusting the pressure to be used.
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